Editorial by Andrzej Rys, Director responsible for health systems, medical products and innovation, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European. An introduction to EU health policy and actions, available funding, health publications, events and EU country health profiles. We work to protect health , prevent diseases . If you are planning to visit on . Nothing less is the aim of Health EU (healthy you!), an advanced FET Flagship multidisciplinary research initiative in Europe aiming for a paradigm shift to . The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has been supporting and promoting evidence-based health policy-making for years.
The European health report is produced every three years as a flagship publication by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Transformative change for health and societal well-being. On th June, a coalition of health -related organisations, co-led by EPF and EPHA, sent a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker . Whilst health policy and the organisation, financing and management of healthcare is a national responsibility of member countries, the EU also undertakes . The European Health Insurance Card (or EHIC) is issued free of charge and allows anyone who is insured by or covered by a statutory social security scheme of . The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) welcomes the adoption of a recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable . European Health Catapult lifts the best-of-the-best business concepts from medtech, biotech and digital health across Europe. Join us to boost your innovation!
Free of Charge from the HSE.
Apply for or renew your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You need the blue EU Health Insurance Card when you travel to a country within the EU or EFTA. Find out more online at PostOffice. How to get a FREE EHIC card ( European Health Insurance Card), valid in any EU country. We call on the European Commission to step up coordinated EU action to tackle cross-border health challenges.
Explore your DNA with personalised genetic health , traits and ancestry reports, as well as interactive tools. The European Health Parliament (EHP) is about connecting students from the College with young health professionals working in Brussels, in o. We are currently expanding, and an exciting opportunity has arisen to join our EU Health and Care team based in Brussels. This team supports the European . Persons insured by the Estonian Health Insurance Fun who are staying temporarily in another Member State, receive required health care on equal terms to . European Portal for Action on Health Inequalities, includes information about key initiatives, policies and resources on Health Inequalities across Europe. Here, you can order a European Health Insurance Card and read about what applies if you need medical or dental care while temporarily abroad. The European Health Management Association is a non-profit membership organisation that focusses on enhancing the capacity and capability of health . Icelandic citizens and other.
The tensions at the heart of the . The European Commission plays a key role in complementing Member State national health policies and ensuring health protection across all . Many European countries face similar dilemmas: what to do with smaller hospitals providing acute medical services, particularly those which are geographically . Learn about working at European Health Parliament. See who you know at European Health Parliament, leverage your professional .
These are the questions the EU Health Summit is aiming to answer. It is a multi- stakeholder event organised from within and across the health community that . It provides EU policy makers, institutions and other relevant stakeholders with the perspective of US companies that operate in Europe. The BRIDGE Health project aimed to prepare the transition towards a sustainable and integrated EU health information system for both public health and . The Expert Group, hosted on the EU health platform, provides pain experts with an environment to exchange, compare and benchmark evidence and best . You must still use the yellow . Joint Action of the European Union on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting. Our mission is to help build healthier communities and tackle health inequalities within and between European States.
EuroHealthNet is a not-for-profit . Do you suddenly need medical care while on holiday? Europe has massive social inequalities in health outcomes, while gains in life expectancy have slowed down over the last five years. The Estonian Health Insurance Fund issues the European health insurance cards for free. EuropeActive, formerly the European Health and Fitness Association (EHFA), is the (leading) not-for-profit organisation representing the whole of the European . Order the European Health Insurance Card.
For Britons travelling on the continent, a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) – which affords travellers state provided necessary medical treatment in the . When you are travelling to the Netherlands or . Whether there is a public health need for the containment and response to swine flu, or an individual need to access health care across the border for a hip . Information about the disadvantages of European Health Insurance Car the EU healthcare system and advantages of commercial travel insurance. Held each year in October (calendar week 43), the European Week for Safety and Health at Work is a highlight of every Healthy Workplaces Campaign. The EHIC scheme allows citizens of European Economic Area (EEA) countries and Switzerland to “access state-provided healthcare during a . ECHAlliance is the Global Connector for Digital Health.
Here you can order the blue European Health Insurance Card. You can order cards for your children (under years), and spouse if they live at.
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